1).Unit 1 - все повторить,составить 20-30 предложений со словами из изученной части(употреблять res.Simp/Cont. ,фразы согласия,несогласия,предпочтения,мнения,прилагательные и тп); 2).WB(11) -заполнить кроссворд,таблицу прогресса 3).WB(111-112)-перевести лексику Unit 2 4). "А Personal Profile" -творч.проэкт Не болейте :)
Тема «Текстовий редактор» Використовуючи мережу Internet, створити міні-посібник у текстовому редакторі Word за планом: створення типових документів (заява, об’ява, візитка та ін.); створення документів іноземними мовами; автоматичний переклад документів з використанням програм-перекладачів.
Творче завдання (12 балів)(за бажанням)
Участь у конкурсі «Моя школа майбутнього», номінація - фотоколаж (див. Новини на сайті - Обласний конкурс «Моя школа майбутнього»)
10а класс Русский язык Устное изложение текста повествовательного характера. Литература Сочинение по роману А. С. Пушкина "Евгений Онегин". Читать роман М. Ю. Лермонтова "Герой нашего времени" 10в класс Русский язык Черновик сочинения - отзыва о произведении искусства. Зарубежная литература Повторить изученное о творчестве И. С. Тургенева и Ф. М. Достоевского. Подготовиться к К.Р. Читать роман Л. Н. Толстого "Анна Каренина"
IV.Воспроизведите части текста (ситуации), в которых употреблены следующие слова и словосочетания в качестве ключевых. Не ограничивайтесь только этими словами: 1. a few days ago, a nice man, became grate friends, how could it happen, you forget, a great general, a poor young writer, we met once in Washington. 2. poor, did not have enough money, a friend, lived together, we were both hungry, in need of three dollars, I don’t remember, by the evening, you must also try, I did not know where to go. 3. for an hour, I came to a big hotel, A sofa, a beautiful small dog, I had nothing to do, I was paying, wore a beautiful uniform, by the pictures, is it your dog, I did not have tome, I heard these words, how much do you want, very little, fifty dollars, I shall be glad. 4. an old man, he looked round the hall, are you looking for a dog, a few minutes ago, it went away, to find it, happy, I shall be glad, some of my time, to pay you for you time, ten dollars, not a dollar more. 5. the General was playing, to take the dog back, not your dog, I have paid, I shall give you back, not my dog, I never told you, very angry, give me back, happy, he paid me, I was happy too. V.Выразите согласие или несогласие со следующими утверждениями. 1. General miles was a nice man. 2. General Miles and the author did not meet in Washington. 3. The author was a poor young writer whom nobody knew. 4. The author and his friends were in need of a large sum of money. 5. They knew there to get the money. 6. The dog was nice, and the author called it and began to play with it. 7. General Miles wore in beautiful uniform and the author knew him at once. 8. General Miles paid three dollars, took the dog and went, up to his room. 9. The author took the money, but he never told General Miles that it was his dog. 10. General Miles was not angry at all when the author came to take the dog back. 11. The author was happy because he had the money, and he felt that he had earned it. VI. Ответьте на вопросы. Старайтесь не смотреть в текст: 1. Did the author live in Washington in 1867? 2. Why did General Miles forget that they met in Washington? 3. Did the author meet General Miles in Washington/ 4. How did the author and his friend live in Washington? 5. How much money did they need? 6. Did the author know where and how to get the money? 7. Where did the author see the dog? 8. Why did the author know General Miles? 9. Why did General Miles want to buy the dog? 10. Did he pay fifty dollars for a dog? 11. Did he want to give the dog back? 12. Why was the author happy when he got the 3 dollars? VII. Перескажите текст: 1. от имени автора (используя упр.III) 2. от имени генерала Майлза; 3. от имени хозяина собаки. ...
English 10-В класс (часть2) Vocabulary honest честный poor бедный enough достаточно together вместе try пробовать, пытаться along вдоль be tired быть усталым at last наконец look round осматривать ready готов bring (brought, brought) приносить feel (felt, felt) чувствовать honestly честность policy политика
I.Найдите в тексте и выпишите английские эквиваленты следующих слов и словосочетаний: честный; просить; зарабатывать; всю жизнь; несколько дней тому назад; подружиться; случаться; забыть; встретить однажды; иметь достаточно денег; нуждаться; попытаться достать (деньги); отдохнуть; сесть на диван; понять сразу; по фотографии; продать; купить; (за)платить; старик; быть готовым; ни долларом больше; забрать (взять обратно); рассердиться; с радость; лучшая политика. II.Закончите следующие предложения из текста: 1. I have always believed that… 2. Never ask for money… 3. General Miles was a nice man and we… 4. How could it happen that… 5. I went out of the house… 6. I was sitting where when… 7. When we were hungry… 8. I knew at once that… 9. If you want three dollars for it… 10. I could not sell it to you, because… 11. When I brought the dog back to its master… 12. I was happy too because… III.Переведите следующие предложения на английский язык. Переведённые предложения сверьте с текстом: 1. Несколько дней назад в доме моего друга я познакомился с генералом Майлзом. 2. Генерал Майлз был приятным человеком, и вскоре мы стали большими друзьями. 3. Как могло случиться, что мы не встретились тогда? 4. Я был бедным молодым писателем, которого никто не знал и чьи книги никто не читал. 5. Мы всё делали вместе: работали, читали книги, гуляли вместе. 6. Когда мы голодали, мы голодали оба. 7. Я не помню, почему нам нужны были эти доллары, но я помню, что мы должны были достать их к вечеру. 8. Я вышел из дома, но я не знал, куда идти и как достать эти три доллара. 9. Я играл с собакой, когда в холл вошёл какой-то человек. 10. “Какая красивая собака”,- сказал он. 11. Когда я привёл собаку её хозяину, он был очень рад и с радостью заплатил мне три доллара. ...
English 10-В класс Домашнее чтение. Dog and three dollars (after Mark Twain).
I have always believed that a man must be honest. “Never ask for money you haven’t earned”, I always said. Now I shall tell you a story which will show you how honest I have always been all my life. A few days ago at my friend’s I met General Miles. General Miles was a nice man and we became great friends very quickly. “Did you live in Washington in 1867?”, the General asked me. “Yes, I did”, I answered. “How could so happen that we didn’t meet then?” said General Miles. “General”, said I, “ we could meet then, you forget that you were a great general then, and I was a poor young writer whom nobody knew and whose books nobody read”. “You do not remember me”, I thought, “but we met In Washington at that time. I remember it very well. I was poor then and very often I did not have money even for my bread. I had a friend. He was a poor writer too. We lived together. We did everything together: worked, read books, went for walks together. And then we were hungry, we were both hungry. Once we were in need of three dollars. I don’t remember why we needed these dollars so much, but I remember that we had to have three dollars by the evening. “We must get these three dollars”, said my friend, “I shall try get the money, but you must also try”. I went out of the house, but I did not know where to go and how to get the three dollars. For one hour I was walking along the streets of Washington and was very tired. At last I came to a big hotel. “I shall go in and have a rest”, I thought. I went into the hall of the hotel and sat down on a sofa. I was sitting there when a beautiful small dog ran into the hall. It was looking for somebody. The dog was nice and I had nothing to do, so I called it and began to play with it. I was playing with the dog when a man came into the hall. He wore a beautiful uniform and I knew at once that he was General Miles. I knew him by the pictures in the newspapers. “What a beautiful dog”, said he. “It is your dog?” I did not have time to answer him when he said: “Do you want to sell it?” When I heard these words I thought about my friend and the three dollars which I had to get. “Well, I… I think …” “Good”, said the General. “How much do you want for it ?” “Three dollars” I answered at once. “Three dollars?” he asked. “But it is very little. I can give fifty dollars for it”. “No, no. I only want three dollars”. “Well, it’s your dog. If you want three dollars for it, I shall be – glad to by your dog.” General Miles paid me three dollars, took the dog , and went up to his room. Ten minutes later an old man came into the hall. He looked round the hall. I could see that he was looking for something. “Are you looking for a dog, sir?” I asked . “Oh, yes. Have you seen it? Said the man. “Your dog was here a few minutes ago and I saw how it went away with a man”, I said. “If you want, I shall try to find it for you”. The man was very happy and asked me to help him. “I shall be glad to help you, but it will take some of my time and…” “I am ready to pay you for you time”, cried the man. “How much do you want for it?” “Three dollars.”, I answered. “Three dollars?”, said the man, “but it is very good dog. I shall pay you ten dollars if you find it for me”. ...
ENGLISH!!! 10-Б Выполнить задания к главе 1 "Портрет Дориана Грея" Оскара Уайлда.
1.Study the vocabulary. Find in the text sentences with these words and word- combinations. 1. murmur v.,n. – to make a low, indistinct sound, to utter in a low voice; a low indistinct sound; говорить тихо, бормотать; журчание, бормотание. 2. to convey – to make known (ideas, views, feelings); communicate; передавать (звук, запах и т.д.). 3. to toss – to jerk, to throw up with the hand into the air; бросать, подбрасывать to toss back – to throw a head back with a jerk; резко откинуть голову назад 4. vain a. – empty, unreal, worthless, unproductive, self-admiring; тщеславный, тщетный, пустой, глупый, самовлюбленный in vain – without a desired result; напрасно 5. flatter v.n. – to gratify by compliment, praise falsely; insincere praise; льстить, приукрашивать; лесть 6. perplexity n. – puzzlement, bewilderment, embarrassment; недоумение, смущение, замешательство 7.incredible a. – extraordinary great, astounding; неправдоподобный, невероятный 8. languid a. – lacking liveliness, interest or energy, faint, dull, listless; слабый, апатичный, скучный, медлительный, ленивый 9. conscious (of) a. – having immediate knowledge, fully aware; понимающий, сознающий, сознательный to lose (regain) consciousness – to faint (to recover); потерять сознание, прийти в сознание (в себя) 10. cowardice n. – want of courage, extreme timidity; малодушие, трусость 11. peacock v.n. – to display or plume oneself; a large male bird noted for its fine tail feathers; a vain glorious person; важничать, чваниться; павлин proud as a peacock – спесивый как павлин, надутый как индюк 12. enmity n. – a feeling of hatrid, intense hatrid; вражда, злоба, неприязнь 13. to detest – to hate; ненавидеть 14. to poach – to go on smb’s land illegally, to take game from another’s preserves; вторгаться в чужие владения, заниматься браконьерством 15. sincerity n. – honesty; честность, прямота, чистосердечие, искренность 16. subtle a. – delicate, hard to seize, acute, clever; тонкий, нежный (о запахе), острый, пронизывающий, трудноразличимый 17. dainty a., n. – pleasing to the taste, choice; pretty, elegant, luxurious; a delicacy; изящный, изысканный, сделанный со вкусом; лакомство, деликатес 18. pluck v.,n. – to pick, pull off, drag, to strip; short sharp pull; courage, spirit; собирать, срывать; дерганье, смелость to pluck up courage (heart) – to overcome one’s fears; собираться с духом 19. to be on the verge of – to be very close to …, to be on the border of; быть на грани чего-либо 20. wrinkle – морщины; wrinkle up – морщиться, морщить. 21. smoke – курить 22. curtains – занавески, шторы 23. beard – борода. Растительность на лице человека. 2. Find one sentence with each of this word, write it in your copybook and translate the sentences. 3. Match root words. Translate them. Murmur, vainly, tossy, conveyer, perplex, plucky, subtle, detest, conveyance, purplexed, coward, vain, insincere, toss, flattery, perplexity, languish, subtlety, consciousness, cowardice, detestable, sincerity, incredible, languidly, incredibly, sincerely, cowardly, detestation, flattering, plucked, consciously, convey, pluck, subtly, languid, sincere, unconscious. 4. Match synonyms words or word-combinations. Pluck, subtle, to be on the border of, to pluck, flatter, worthless, to utter in a low voice, vain, to make known, perplexity, toss back, languid, to be fully aware of, to praise falsely, embarrassment, to throw head back with a jerk, dainty, incredible, listless, conscious, to detest, extreme timidity, to hate, delicate, cowardice, elegant, to pick. ...